Drop off kids at school, drop the car off for a check-up and start my daily tasks. So much for planning the day. After leaving school, the car died. I started walking the short distance home only to find myself on an icy sidewalk. I skied down to the gutter and into the street, thinking to myself "do not fall again." No cars were coming, and I saw no witnesses of my awkward displace of grace. Just fifteen more minutes chuckle, and my battery would have made it to the appointment. Fifteen short minutes. After arriving home, I sat in my chair huffing and puffing and freezing. My husband looked at me and ask "what's up? I said, "I did not break my neck just now so life is good."
Life is such a matter of perspective. When I was pregnant it seemed there was an unusual amount of women who were expecting. When I had a red car, suddenly there were many red cars on the highway. I have often heard "what you focus on grows" and I believe it to be true. How often has someone pointed out a characteristic about someone I had not noticed before, then began seeing the person differently. Sometimes good qualities, other times not so complimentary. It became apparent a person can see in others what we are looking for by magnifying specific actions or words. It does not make the summary of the individual correct, only biased.
How often do I look for positive solutions in life rather than dwelling in the problems? Life lends itself to many forms of accountability. Much of the results hinge on our perspectives. Reality is often created by what we choose to see and set forth to create.
Misery has many bedfellows. Happiness is in the eye of the beholder.
Be brave and fierce but always remain humble.