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Join date: Feb 26, 2019


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In 1998 I began talking with people around the world in a nursing site. I became aware of the different views people expressed about America, our culture and our history. In the year 2000, several people on the site ridiculed me for being a Christian "conservative. I had told someone I would pray for them. I hate to admit it, but I had to look up the definition of conservative. I concluded that the understanding of both labels was a matter of perception. Both terms were being used to stereotype others with preconceived ideas. I believe today; stereotyping is choking the country.

9/11/2001 was a particularly eye-opening event for me. Visiting with people from around the world lead me to understand the freedoms we have in America. There were so many things I had always taken for granted. There was so much that I did not know. My thirst for our history and where our country is going never quenched.

The last 20 years has been an exciting adventure. My faith, my family, and love for my country have all grown. I have enjoyed my career in nursing. Photography, writing, and flower gardening are my passions. The study of history through my heritage has taken a front seat in my time mobile.

As my life evolves, I have found the phrase "free to be just me" is a journey, not a destination. I believe it is the essence of life in America. It is a freedom worthy of standing for.

Be brave and fierce but may I always remain humble.


Christy Dobrovolny (nan*)


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