Different As Night And Day
I was telling my sister that catching up on current events on social media during the early morning is much different than late at night. Most likely by the end of the day, many are reflecting humor to relax. Music videos, jokes, and parody intermingle periodically across the screen.
For many years I woke up and went to work very early in the morning. I also wore a pager. When the pager alarmed, you didn't "kinda" wake up when life and death situations are occurring. Hours of work are ahead of you. To the staff in operating rooms across the nation who worked all night, I thank you! There is personnel in related medical fields who do this routinely. Often times they are the unseen heroes of America. Working a regular shift then taking call is interesting, to say the least. The result for me was having no concept of time. I will wake up and shower at two o'clock in the morning, sleep when time permits and a routine is just words. There are benefits to this. Watching society throughout the twenty-four-hour time span is one.
I awoke at four this morning, though I would go back to sleep but didn't. I looked at my social media, and the first two posts had me laughing out loud. Oh, those late night people. I attribute some of this to the beverages of choice, lol. I love early mornings and my coffee, so out of bed, I went.
Early mornings are like celebrating the New Year every day. It is a whole new beginning, a fresh start and I can list all the resolutions to my day as I please. Listening to the birds, sitting in the dark gives me an opportunity. Self is not quite awake and the distractions that come with the day have not arrived. I am the vessel listening to the captain.
Be brave and fierce but always remain humble