I spend time full of intentions without the time to complete. I sift through the priorities as the day goes by. Disappointments arise as I look to what did not get accomplished. I get frustrated by the interruptions. "well if this had not happened, I could have gotten that completed."
I have come to realize the "interruptions" are life. No really, the interruptions ARE life.
When I was very young, my dad shared how he viewed people. "You have to look for the good in people. People make up our lives so when we see only the bad in people, we see only the bad in life."
It was easy seeing the good in people when I was young and naive. I grew older and found myself mislead. I was used or hurt by people that perhaps was not as good as I had thought. I sat and pondered, do I continue to focus on the good? Do I continue to give people the benefit of doubt? As an adult, I had a choice to make. My answer was yes. I am not saying that when I see a red flag that I do not run for my life, lol. I am saying, for the most part, I believe it is true. When I focus on the good in people, life is good. My outlook on life is a reflection of the relationships I grow.
I think it is the same with interruptions. People are generally at the root of the disruption. There is the call from the school informing the parent their kid just broke their arm or the best friend who called to say "I am getting married." Interruptions in life vary from tragic events to the best surprises we experience. They are opportunities to add value to those who value us. It is an opportunity to embrace the value of life.
Now I will make my list of intentions and see what life has in store for me today. ;)
Be brave and fierce but always remain humble.